New OiRA tool “Desk work” launched in Belgium


On 12 May, our Belgian focal point SPF Emploi, Travail et Concertation Sociale – FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg launches the new Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool “Desk Work”.

With many workers and students spending much of their day at desks, this tool offers an opportunity to take stock of the risks associated with prolonged sitting and the preventive measures that can be taken to safeguard our musculoskeletal health.

It also includes tips to help pupils and students do their homework while creating healthy habits. 

The event, held in French and Dutch, will also feature a presentation of other OiRA tools covering different sectors such as construction and maintenance, manufacturing, office work, retail trade, education and many more. Guided by OSH experts, it will also give the chance to share ideas and gain inspiration with a question session.

Moderator: Frank Dehasque, OiRA Country Manager Belgium  

Speakers: Karla Van den Broek and Nadine Polspoel, Prevent    

This activity, co-funded by EU-OSHA, is supporting the European Year of Skills organised by the European Commission. The Year aims to raise awareness of the importance of skills for employment, competitiveness and growth.